The Start of the 60's

Nothing like starting the day with champagne.
The six of us in our birthday club are all turning 60 this year. Christy was the first to go (sounds like I'm describing someone walking the plank). She is such a generous friend and has made sure that we have all celebrated our birthdays this year, in some form, despite the social distancing we are all having to do because of the pandemic. 

So we wanted to do something fun to celebrate her birthday. When we were in high school, way back in the late 70's, we used to have Come As You Are parties. These were surprise parties that happened early in the morning. How they worked is that the two or three girls in charge would call the parents of all the girls going to the party and make arrangements for the parents to leave their doors unlocked so that they could come by early the next morning and pick up their daughters, who did not know about the party. Everyone would be wearing their pajamas. The organizers would make the rounds, collecting all their friends and then they would go to the home where the party would be.

The party organizers

It was a lot of fun and something different. We decided to have one of these parties for our friend Christy. 

We enlisted Christy's daughter Liz in our plans. Christy's productive habits made planning a challenge. Originally we were going to show up at her house at 7 am on Saturday, but her employer asked if she would come in and give COVID vaccinations on her day off. I guess we shouldn't complain too much; it's only a pandemic. Then, on Sunday, we had to adjust our plans and forgo the pj's because Christy and her husband John were going to 8 am Mass. So we showed up at 8:30 to decorate and be ready to surprise her when she returned from Mass.

And she was surprised! 

We had some breakfast outside on this cold winter's morn.

The night before the party, this question popped up in an email from Quora: Is age 60 considered elderly? I kid you not! Below were some of the hilarious answers, which I read at Christy's party.

Wow! Startled by the question. At 60, I was still hotter than a firecracker and have the photos to prove it. Blessed with a pretty face and a strong constitution, I didn’t look at all like my age. I still worked out hard 4–5 times a week and could do pretty much anything I wanted. I am older now but have no medical problems other than high blood pressure secondary to hormone replacement. So 60 is definitely not elderly.


 I'm 61. By some I am considered elderly. However, my current 37 year old lover considers me ageless. Elderly is a polite word for an older, aging person. So technically, I am elderly but not by full government standards of Medicare. I guess it's all comes down to perception.


What can I do after 60?


Whatever you did when you were 59 49 39 29 Why change your lifestyle because of a number.

I am 62 would still be riding on the back of hubby’s motorbike if my hands were strong enough.

Why give up anything if you still can and want to do it.

Age is but a number to many So why let it bother you

Go out and have fun when you can Enjoy life Face whats in front of you and grow old disgracefully Its more fun that way


What are some life goals for people who are 60 or older?


Make peace with the stupid shit you’ve done in your life.

Make sure that your important relationships are strong and secure.

Pay for your cremation, burial and/or funeral now!

Start selling off your crap. Organize the crap you still want to keep.

Spend it now. Don’t think you have time, because you might not. If you’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii but haven’t because you were waiting for the optimum time, go!

Give money, time, things away while you’re alive.

Forgive yourself.

Have fun!


My lovely, bonkers, life-grabbing mum is well over 60 and she would list snogging George Clooney, teaching her grand kids to read & getting back into her skinny jeans among her life goals. For all of us no matter what our age, we need to strip it all back to the things that we love, that we feel passion for.

Plan for retirement & healthy older age for sure, but set your life goals by the quickening of your heart. I love that notion of sliding into the afterlife clutching champagne & a stogie yelling 'Whoohoo what a ride!'

Buckle up people. I'm on the mat behind you!

Christy is the Queen of Turning 60! We will celebrate all of us moving into our 7th decade (and hopefully the end of the pandemic) all year long!

Here's to more good times!


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