A Winter Solstice Poem

Maybe in this year of COVID we should be happy for reasons beyond the days starting to get longer tomorrow that today is the winter solstice. Who wants long days during a pandemic? 

But there is beauty at all times of the year, even during a pandemic. Today it was sunny and windy with the high reaching 50.

The clouds were dark and wild looking. Above is White School, where my mom used to teach.

I took these photos from the top of the OSF St. Francis parking deck. When I would visit my brother Jim in the hospital, I would always drive to the top of the deck because I loved the views (and the exercise walking up and down the stairs).

To the far right are the double spires of St. Mary's Cathedral.

A panoramic shot.

I had forgotten about the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction AKA the Christmas Star that was to be visible in the sky after sunset, but I think I got a photo of it as I traveled west on Washington St.

daylight shrinking
nights increasing
pinnacle of darkness
in the doom we shiver
inside our bones

it's come to this
empty fields dark 
like a starless night
naked trees except for
the cozy squirrel nests
somehow keeping the 
playful creatures warm
along with their nut inspired fat

tilting world
does it again & again & again
an almost ever-ending cycle of
giving us hope
because after today
the shadows cast a wee bit briefer
and though the snows and winds may come
their season has started its 
downward count
and its a waiting game
staying warm by the fire or
by sitting on the radiator

looking outside
knowing that the
stark white & black & grey beauty
is having its dwindling time

jolting us momentarily out of the doldrums
is the holiday season
turning the world
into Las Vegas
while the heartbeat of God
gently beats on
toward spring


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