Move In Day at Bradley University

Who's the student?

It was move in day at Bradley University in Peoria this weekend, and like universities around the country, there were new rules and regs this year to keep people safe. Above my sister Theresa helps move in her daughter Lauren, who is living in Williams Hall, the dorm Theresa stayed in 30 plus years ago.

Masks, social distancing, etc. are the new normal for now. The college age cohort doesn't seem to be too compliant with the rules, but we hope they will get with the program so that they can stay healthy and stay in school. 

Above are Lauren and her brother Will and cousin Luke as they move some of her things into the dorm.

Here are the cute stickers on Lauren and her roommate Melody's door.

The boys situate the refrig as Theresa looks on. The cinderblock room hasn't changed much since Theresa was a coed here. But the room was very clean. 

Here's a view of Williams Hall from the outside, just around the corner from St. Mark's School. . .

. . . where the school was happy to have the help of the Bradley police to help the crossing guards guide arriving traffic on Friday afternoon when the grade school dismissed.

Luke and Will chat with a student volunteer, who is also an alum of Peoria Notre Dame.

Lots of unknowns as to whether colleges will be able to have the students in the classroom for the fall semester. As of August 22, 2020, it's not looking that great, based on what's happened at the University of Notre Dame and other colleges, with many students testing positive for COVID, in many cases because they went to parties. Hard to predict if students will change their behavior. Huge educational and economic ramifications if students aren't able to stay at school and be in class. We know the costs of the virus in sickness and deaths. The collateral costs of major parts of society and the economy shutting down due to the virus are harder to calculate.


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